Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Jeff Flake Has History Of Voting No On Disaster Bills

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), a candidate for the U.S. Senate, has voted at least five times against bills aimed at preventing and responding to disasters, in two cases even though a resounding majority of his own party supported the bill.

Flake is a frequent "nay" voter in general, particularly on spending bills, yet he votes with the Republican Party nearly 90 percent of the time. His office could not be reached for comment on Tuesday morning, nor could his Senate campaign.

Most recently, Flake voted against appropriations for disaster relief for the 2012 fiscal year, as did 65 other GOP House members and one Democrat, Rep. Jim Cooper of Tennessee. The bill was nonetheless passed by Congress and signed into law at the end of December 2011.

Also last year, Flake voted against the Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2011, which passed the House with bipartisan support from 218 Republicans and 188 Democrats.

Flake opposed the 2010 version of that legislation, albeit with more colleagues on his side. The bill passed the House despite 90 "no" votes -- from 89 Republicans and then-Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.). In that case, a slight majority of his fellow Republicans were with Flake: Only 85 GOP House members supported the bill.

Even during his first term in Congress, Flake was one of only three House members to vote against a bill aimed at forecasting inland flooding. The Inland Flood Forecasting and Warning System Act of 2002 passed the House with 413 "ayes" and only three "nays": Flake, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) and then-Rep. Brian Kerns (R-Ind.).

And when the House in September 2005 approved supplemental emergency funds to handle damage from Hurricane Katrina, which had devastated the Gulf Coast, Flake was one of only 11 members all of them Republicans, to vote against the bill. Reps. Ron Paul (R-Texas), Steve King (R-Iowa) and Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) were among the others to vote no.

Flake is currently running to replace retiring Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.). He leads his Democratic opponent, Richard Carmona, by 1.2 percentage points, according to an estimate from HuffPost Pollster.

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Claire Louise / Dean Northcott / Health & Fitness Shoot - LPA

Claire Louise / Dean Northcott / Health & Fitness Shoot

The LPA Style team have been very busy of late, working on everything from advertising campaigns to editorial shoots and beauty spreads to runway shows.

Hair and make-up artist Claire Louise provided the gorgeous looks for this great shoot with Dean Northcott. Channeling Olympic swimming pool action and USA pride, these fabulous images are making us want to get out and take a swim.

? Dean Northcott

? Dean Northcott

Chrome Remote Desktop comes out of beta, adds real-time audio feed for Windows users

Chrome Remote Desktop comes out of beta, adds functionality to Chromebooks

After a year of living in beta, Chrome Remote Desktop is finally ready for primetime. Similar to other screen sharing services like LogMeIn and Splashtop, Chrome Remote Desktop lets you access other computers remotely. Of course, it is special to the Chrome browser, and by extension, the Chrome OS. The latest version of the app adds a couple of new features like a real-time audio feed for Windows users and the ability to copy-and-paste between remote and local computers. You can use this with any Chrome browser of course, but it could prove especially useful for those with Chromebooks, as you can easily communicate with a presumably storage-laden home PC while still toting around a lightweight notebook.

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Chrome Remote Desktop comes out of beta, adds real-time audio feed for Windows users originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 29 Oct 2012 22:11:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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OCD and Homeschooling | Psych Central

OCD and HomeschoolingAfter reading many of John Holt?s books in college and subsequently working with him in Boston, I became committed to the homeschooling movement. This was in the mid-?70s, way before homeschooling became an acceptable alternative to traditional schooling.

When my three children were young, we homeschooled off and on throughout the elementary school years. My son Dan, in particular, loved the freedom of being able to explore his interests as he pleased. He continued homeschooling throughout high school, and received his diploma from a nontraditional school that works with homeschoolers. Always bright and self-motivated, he was truly born to homeschool. He has since graduated college.

His diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder didn?t come until after he graduated high school, and while he had known something was wrong for ?a while,? his father and I didn?t have a clue. So the decision to homeschool, on our part, had nothing to do with the fact that Dan has OCD. From Dan?s point of view, it was how he learned best. He did give high school a try for a few months in ninth grade, but decided to leave so he could ?continue his education.? Whether his OCD played a part in that decision or not, I don?t really know. But I do know that Dan genuinely loves learning, and he and homeschooling were a great fit.

Over the years, I?ve noticed, mostly from talking with people and reading blogs, that a considerable number of children with OCD are homeschooling. This is a totally unscientific observation; I don?t have any statistics. But I do have a question: Why? No doubt everyone has their own reasons, but some possible explanations might include:

  • OCD often is associated with above-average intelligence, as well as creativity, and these two attributes do not always mesh well with traditional schooling.
  • The school is unable or unwilling to meet the child?s special needs (even though they are legally bound to do so).
  • The child refuses to attend school. This might be directly related to the OCD (for example, he or she may believe the school is contaminated), or indirectly related (the child is being bullied because of his or her odd behaviors).
  • The child is willing to attend school but parents feel it is advantageous (in reference to OCD) to keep the child home.
  • The parents or child believe homeschooling is the best way for this particular child to learn (independent of any issues with OCD).

I believe in homeschooling. While I know it?s not for everyone, it can be a rewarding experience for parents and children who undertake it for the right reasons.

But if your child has left school or has never attended solely because he or she has obsessive-compulsive disorder, it may be a good idea to reevaluate the situation. It?s true that school might be a fervent breeding ground for OCD triggers, but is avoiding it the right thing to do?

To complicate matters more, for those also dealing with social anxiety and perfectionism, school can be torturous. I know it?s easy to say ?avoidance is never the answer,? but when you have a child who is terrified of going to school, what do you do? Sometimes, could it be that avoiding certain situations is the right thing to do?

As with everything related to OCD, there are no easy answers. Parents, therapists, teachers, and students all need to become as educated as possible about the disorder. If it?s decided the child will attend school, the appropriate support network should be put in place. Of course, a support system is also necessary if the child is homeschooling.

Either way, the child must receive proper treatment. Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) Therapy, the frontline treatment for OCD, is actually based on facing one?s fears, and is therefore the opposite of avoidance. So the actual location of the battleground (school or home) isn?t so important. What matters is that the war against OCD is faced head-on.

Janet Singer?s son Dan suffered from OCD so severe that he could not even eat. After navigating through a disorienting maze of treatments and programs, Dan made a triumphant recovery. Janet has become an advocate for OCD awareness and wants everyone to know that OCD, no matter how severe, is treatable. There is so much hope for those with this disorder.

Janet has been published on various mental health sites, and also has her own blog ( where she shares Dan?s story and talks about anything related to OCD. She is married with three children and lives in southwest Florida.

APA Reference
Singer, J. (2012). OCD and Homeschooling. Psych Central. Retrieved on October 31, 2012, from

Scientifically Reviewed
????Last reviewed: By John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on 18 Oct 2012
????Published on All rights reserved.



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New way to prevent recurrent ear infections?

ScienceDaily (Oct. 30, 2012) ? Eliminating bacteria's DNA and boosting antimicrobial proteins that already exist may help prevent middle ear infections from reoccurring. These are the findings from a Nationwide Children's Hospital study that examined how an immune defense protein common in the middle ear interacts with a structure meant to protect a colony of bacteria.

The bacterium nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHI) causes a wide range of diseases of both the lower and upper airways, including middle ear infection. NTHI, like most other bacteria, can form a biofilm, a robust community of bacteria that allows the bacteria to evade the host's immune system and protects the bacteria from antibiotics and other therapies designed to kill them.

Human beta-defensin-3 is an antimicrobial defense protein expressed in the middle ear of humans and other mammals that kills both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Previous research has shown that if expression of beta-defensin is disrupted, the host's ability to control the bacteria in the upper airway is altered and infection worsens.

Investigators in The Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital hypothesized that human beta-defensin-3 might lose its power to kill NTHI if it got caught up within the extracellular DNA that makes up a biofilm's outer layer, thus preventing its contact with bacteria within the biofilm.

"Antimicrobial host defense proteins, like human beta-defensin-3, have been shown to bind to non-host DNA," says Lauren O. Bakaletz, PhD director of the Center for Microbial Pathogenesis "This interaction has an impact on the defense protein's ability to function."

Upon examining their animal model of middle ear infection, Dr. Bakaletz' team found that bacterial DNA and the animal's defense peptides were detected together in biofilms that developed during infection. Also, the defense peptide was predominantly co-localized with the biofilm's extracellular DNA.

When the team exposed the bacteria that cause ear infections to a concentration of human-beta defensin-3 that is typically detected in the a middle ear of a child with active infection, the peptide was able to kill 100 percent of the NTHI, but the killing stopped when extracellular DNA was introduced to the reaction.

"These data support the conclusion that the killing activity of the antimicrobial defense protein was decreased in an NTHI-induced biofilm due to its interaction with eDNA," says Dr. Bakaletz, who is the lead study author and professor of Pediatrics and Otolaryngology at The Ohio State University College of Medicine.

When they removed extracellular DNA from the biofilm, the killing activity of the defense peptide was rescued.

"The ability to restore antimicrobial defense protein activity is encouraging, since biofilms are resistant to most treatments, including traditional antibiotics," says Dr. Bakaletz.

Dr. Bakaletz says this study provides evidence for a new treatment regimen to target biofilms formed by NTHI during middle ear infection. One approach would be to deliver a therapeutic agent that can disrupt bacterial DNA, in conjunction with human beta-defensin-3 to the middle ear of a child with chronic, recurrent infection. Physicians could follow the same pathway used to target the middle ear during ear tube surgery, a common treatment for chronic ear infections.

"This approach would likely bolster the ability of the innate immune system to manage NTHI-induced biofilms, avoiding the need for antibiotics or empowering the use of antibiotics we already have in our arsenal," says Dr. Bakaletz. "Doing so could help diminish the recurrent nature of middle ear infection."

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Nationwide Children's Hospital, via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Eric A. Jones, Glen McGillivary, Lauren O. Bakaletz. Extracellular DNA within a Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae-Induced Biofilm Binds Human Beta Defensin-3 and Reduces Its Antimicrobial Activity. Journal of Innate Immunity, 2012; DOI: 10.1159/000339961

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Top medical innovations address headache, diabetes, cancer

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Will The Bank Go After Me If They Know That I Have Another House ...


Q: Will the bank go after me if they know that I have another house already paid off when I foreclose the house that is still under a mortgage? My name is LE and I have 2 houses. One already paid off. The other is still under a mortgage and I owe the bank a lot more than the value of the house. if I foreclose the house and still have mortgage with the bank, will the bank agree to let me walk away when they know I have another house that is already paid off or they will go after me when they sell the house for less than what I owe them? Please let me know what I am supposed to do. Thank you.
?Anonymous, Lawrenceville, GA

A: Since you have assets, the bank will likely require that you pay the loan. Whether you short sell the house or the bank forecloses, odds are that the bank will pursue you for the deficiency. The best thing you can do is to speak with a real estate attorney about your situation. An attorney may be able to negotiate a beneficial settlement.
Phil Lunnon is a Realtor? with Lunnon Realty in Lakewood, CO.

A: Dear GA Homeowner,

Before you go into foreclosure or sell via short sale, have you considered a HARP loan or a modification loan? Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP). If a lower house payment would help you keep your home, you may want to consider these two options.

If you?re not behind on your mortgage payments but have been unable to get traditional refinancing because the value of your home has declined, you may be eligible to refinance through the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP). HARP is designed to help you get a new, more affordable, more stable mortgage. You can get more information at the web page.

If you?ve suffered a hardship that has caused you financial strain, you can try to modify your existing home loan by contacting your current lender and asking for a loan modification application.

My understanding about foreclosures and short sales is that it does not affect your other properties. Many people own two or more homes. They may live in one home that is completely paid off, but are unable to continue making payments on their other property and lose the other property to foreclosure. Unfortunately it is very common these days. I suggest contacting your lender and asking them directly.

I hope this information is helpful.

DeniseTheRealtor CA DRE Lic No 01481788
Denise Shur is a Realtor? with 1:1 Realty in San Jose, CA.

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  1. Can We Subdivide My Father-In-Law?s Property And Buy Half?
  2. HARP Boosts Homebuyer Confidence
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  4. My Father Is Facing Foreclosure, Will He Be Able To Buy A New Home?
  5. What Can We Do About Our Underwater Mortgage?


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New Lizard Discovered in Australia and Threatened by Incoming Housing Development

coastal skinkA tiny new lizard species has been discovered in Western Australia, and just in time: its only known habitat is already being destroyed.

The six-centimeter-long coastal plains skink (Ctenotus ora) lives in the sand dunes of the Swan Coastal Plain, which starts about 70 kilometers south of Perth. According to the researchers from Australian National University (ANU) who discovered the lizard, the area where it was found is being developed for new residential housing. The species specializes in sand dunes, so it lacks the ability to move and adapt to a new habitat.

?To find something as yet undetected, so close to one of the country?s largest cities, demonstrates how much we?ve still got to discover,? Geoffrey Kay, an ecologist from ANU?s Fenner School of Environment & Society, said in a prepared release. ?Only a few of these lizards have ever been found in the wild, so while we know numbers are low, we are not sure of the exact size of the remaining population.?

As detailed in a paper published in Zootaxa on July 17 (preview), Kay and ANU biology professor Scott Keogh sampled the DNA of all previously known Ctenotus species in southwestern Australia to come up with what they called ?a comprehensive morphological dataset? for the regional branch of the genus. The process allowed them to describe the new species, which had not been previously recognized. Their paper describes it as smaller than the region?s other skinks, with a darker coloration and a continuous white line down its back and side.

The authors are now calling for immediate steps to conserve the newly discovered skink before its habitat disappears forever.

Photo by Brad Maryan courtesy of Australian National University


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Letters: Science and Budgets (1 Letter)

To the Editor:

?Federal Budget Limits Affect Scientific Conferences? (Oct. 23) raises an urgent problem regarding the well-being of our troops serving abroad. In a shortsighted move, funds have been cut for Department of Defense scientists to attend the annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

The participation of these highly trained professionals in scientific meetings like ours is not a travel perk. They play a unique role in efforts to tackle diseases like malaria, dengue and Chagas that not only threaten our servicemen and women abroad but are also surfacing in the United States. Karen A. Goraleski

Deerfield, Ill.

The writer is executive director, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.


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Merry Christmas: UPS expects record deliveries

By The Associated Press

UPS expects to deliver 527 million packages between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, surpassing last year's record high by 10 percent.
The world's largest package delivery company estimates 28 million of those will be delivered on Thursday, Dec. 20 ? projected to be the busiest day of the year. That's nearly double what the Atlanta company moves on an average day. UPS sees delivery of 527 million holiday packages.?

To handle the big jump, UPS plans to hire 55,000 seasonal workers to sort, load and deliver packages. That's the same number it hired last year.

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? 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ford profit beats forecasts on record North America margins

DETROIT (Reuters) - Ford Motor Co on Tuesday posted a third-quarter profit that trounced Wall Street forecasts due to higher vehicle prices and record-high profit margins of 12 percent in North America.

The No. 2 U.S. automaker posted an operating profit of $2.2 billion, or 40 cents per share, beating the average estimate of 30 cents per share, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

Worldwide, Ford earned $800 million more in pricing than it did last year. Half of the pricing increase came from North America, where Ford earned more than $2 billion and posted margins over 10 percent for the third quarter in a row.

"To me, the story isn't just the results in the quarter, but the consistency of the results," Chief Financial Officer Bob Shanks told reporters.

Ford's strength in North America has offset a sharp downturn in Europe, where Ford lost $468 million in the quarter, and its lagging position in growth markets in Asia, especially China.

Ford expects to U.S. auto sales will be 14.7 million this year. In the third quarter, Ford earned about $2.3 billion in North America. Contribution costs, which includes the cost of commodity hedging, fell by $500 million in the market.

"Twelve percent segment margins is just insane," said Jefferies analyst Peter Nesvold, who has a "buy" rating on Ford. He added: "It is hard to believe that any OEM can sustain 12 percent segment margins over the long term."

Ford's third quarter revenue fell 3 percent to $32.1 billion, better than the $30.9 billion expected by analysts. Net income in the quarter was about $1.6 billion, or 41 cents a share, on par with results from last year.


Ford hired Alan Mulally as chief executive in 2006 to steer the automaker's turnaround in North America, which began in late 2005 with the "Way Forward" plan engineered by Mark Fields, who had led North and South American operations for 7 years.

From 2006 to 2009, Ford cut capacity in North America by a little more than one-fifth. New models helped Ford earn an additional $10 billion in revenue from 2006 to 2010.

Mulally's "One Ford" strategy connected Ford's once-disparate business units to lower costs and boost profits. Cost cuts and an improved lineup helped Ford avoid the government financing that was needed to keep U.S. rivals General Motors Co and Chrysler Group LLC afloat in 2009.

"Stronger profitability is the highlight and gives confidence that the One Ford plan can continue to deliver," RBC Capital Markets analyst Joseph Spak said in a note.

"We believe this playbook should eventually drive improved European profitability," Spak said.

Last week, Ford announced three plant closures in Europe to cut costs by as much as $500 million. Ford also signaled a willingness to do more if needed.

The company is also taking steps to keep its inventory at around 40 days supply, lower than the typical 50 days, to deal with lower demand for cars and trucks in Europe.

In the first nine months of 2012, Ford lost a little more than $1 billion in the region in the region. Ford expects to lose at least $3 billion in Europe over the next two years, including at least $1.5 billion this year.

Ford earned $9 million in South America. It also $45 million in Asia Pacific and Africa, the first profit for the region since the second quarter of 2011.

(Reporting By Deepa Seetharaman and Ben Klayman; Editing by Alden Bentley and David Gregorio)


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Microsoft adds WP8 app to Windows Store just in time for launch

Microsft adds Windows Phone app to Windows Store ahead of WP 8 event

If you're aiming to get your hands on one of the many Windows Phone 8 devices launching later today, it would be nice to be able to sync it with your Windows 8 PC, no? Redmond has you covered in the nick of time, as it's just released the free Windows Phone app to its Windows Store. That'll let you get music, photos, or video over to your computer and back, use Windows 8 apps to share things like searches, automatically save photos or videos taken with your phone to your PC and check your phone's storage to see how it's being used. It'll also let allow you to download phone apps and learn more about your device, while pulling off a trick we've saw first with Apple, then WP7 -- letting you track down your smartphone if it goes missing. You can grab it at the source, then all you'll need is a WP8 handset -- so stay tuned for our liveblog at 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST to see when that might happen.

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Microsoft adds WP8 app to Windows Store just in time for launch originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 29 Oct 2012 01:42:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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S.Africa's Nedbank lifted by higher-risk lending

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Nedbank Group announced on Monday that it is on track for double-digit earnings growth this year, the latest South African bank to benefit from a rise in higher-risk lending.

Hampered by weak corporate demand for credit, the country's big banks have ramped up unsecured lending - the profitable but riskier practice of giving loans that are not backed by collateral.

Unsecured loans in Africa's top economy surged 21 percent in the year to June and now total a $43 billion, the central bank said last week, as Nedbank and its rivals continue to push profitable credit cards and personal loans.

"It's probably the key risk facing South African banks," Johann Scholtz, banking analyst at Afrifocus Securities in Cape Town, said of unsecured lending.

"We've seen this movie before. Everyone is saying, 'No, it's not as problematic as the media is making it out to be.' I still feel that somewhere along the line somebody is going to get burnt."

Unsecured lending has helped South African banks to overcome relatively lacklustre economic growth and book double-digit profit increases.

Investors have noticed. Shares of FirstRand, South Africa's second-largest lender, have climbed 43 percent in the past 12 months. Nedbank, the country's No.4 bank and majority owned by insurer Old Mutual, has jumped 30 percent.

South African banks are now trading at lofty multiples. Nedbank's forward 12-month price-to-book ratio of 1.46 makes it more expensive than Wells Fargo & Co, Goldman Sachs Group and HSBC Holdings.


But the growth may not be sustainable, given the wobbly state of household finances.

Household debt totals 76 percent of disposable income, according to government statistics, while the unemployment rate is stuck at about 25 percent.

One positive for Nedbank has been its focus on writing shorter-term unsecured loans, said Afrifocus's Scholtz. That lowers the risk of bad loans staying on the book for a longer time and allows the bank to react quickly to changes in the market, he said.

Nedbank said in a trading statement that it expects to meet its full-year target for earnings growth - about 13 percent, according to Reuters calculations.

The bank derives its earnings target by adding 5 percent to the sum of the growth in gross domestic product and the consumer prices index.

Net interest income, the measure of earnings from lending, increased 9 percent to 14.5 billion rand in the nine months to September 30, the bank said.

Non-interest revenue, which includes fees and commissions, rose 14 percent to 12.4 billion rand.

Total loans were up by 7 percent, while the ratio of bad debt charges decreased.

Shares in the bank were little changed at 182.40 rand at 1408 GMT.


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Hurricane Sandy Live Streams Tracking East Coast Storm | The Web ...

As a New Yorker, I will be confined to my apartment all day today for fear of stepping out into the heavy rains and whipping winds of the ? Frankenstorm ? , which is mainly composed of the incoming Hurricane Sandy . Luckily, the Internet is well prepared for the storm, with several outlets offering rained-in Easterners live stream and video coverage of the storm. is hosting an event on its website offering an event with live cameras and up-to-the-minute storm warnings

Read more here:
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Eton Corporation produces a variety of emergency preparedness gear, and they are expanding their line with two dedicated charging solutions. ?First up (right photo) is their BoostTurbine Series chargers. ?The?BoostTurbine2000 (2000mAh for $59) and BoostTurbine1000 (1000mAh for $49) feature a rechargeable lithium battery and a hand-turbine power generator that serves as a “back up for [...]


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4 Simple Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem

Authentic confidence is sexy. I'm not talking about smugness or arrogance. Those qualities stem from insecurity and for many, are off-putting. Real confidence, the kind that attracts your soul mate, lands you a perfect job and makes all your dreams come true, is authentic and inviting.

After leaving the corporate world a few years ago and successfully launching my own freelance writing and coaching business, I have had to relearn a lot of traits. How to be confident is not one they teach you in school.?

Over the past few months, I have made it my full time job to look at my own insecurities and see how they are holding me back. What I found was a direct link between the amount of self-confidence I have and my happiness. Simply put, the more self-love I feel, the more confidant I am. The more I believe in myself the less I need validation or approval from others.

Here are 4 simple ways you can improve your own self-esteem:?

1. Remove what no longer serves you.?

Believing in yourself starts with removing the beliefs, situations and thought patterns that no longer serve you. This means focusing on what you want and letting it pull you into your future.

2. Focus on the positive.?

Focus on the positive for me, means staying in the light and choosing positive thoughts. When insecurities creep in, I immediately look at where they stem from. I work on forgiveness and look at the positive lessons learned from each past situation. Being positive also means being compassionate to yourself and others as well as appreciating the journey as much as the destination.

3. Take care of you.?

The fastest route to feeling good about you is taking care of yourself. Listen to your body when it tells you to sleep, eat, exercise and relax. Treat your body like the temple it really is. Allow your inner voice to reflect in every action you take. You will find your cravings for unhealthy things will lesson the more connected and confident you become.

4. Listen to your gut.?

Often we struggle with a decision because we do not listen to our gut. Weather you are trying to decide if you should return the guy's call, take the job, or pick toothpaste, your indecisiveness is usually the result of a lack of listening to your own inner voice. When you get clear about your own values, and true desires the confidence will allude naturally and effortlessly from your entire being. ?

Published October 29, 2012 at 1:27 PM

About Shannon Kaiser

Shannon is an ex-Advertising award winning senior art director, who left her successful career to follow her heart and be a writer.

Today she is a travel writer, inspirational author, motivational speaker, designer and creator of A site dedicated to helping others fall in love with their life through, articles, videos, books, podcast, workshops, and lectures.

She is the travel tip editor for Healing Lifestyles and Spas, and a Destination Travel Editor for A handful of her motivational stories have been published in the uplifting best-selling book series "Chicken Soup for The Soul" and her opinions have been shared on ABC AM Northwest KATU Morning Show.

She is the author of the book "Instant Inspiration" and the forthcoming book, "Find Your Happy, an Inspirational Guide on Loving Life to the Fullest."

You can connect with her on Facebook and Twitter or Pinterest.

More from Shannon Kaiser on MindBodyGreen

How to Keep Your Peace of Mind in Today's Political Climate
How I Learned to Listen
7 Simple Tips to Be Your Best Self
3 Tips to Have an Incredible Day
Single by Choice: It's a Real, Powerful Thing


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Sasha vs. Frankenstorm (Americablog)

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Investors: Dig Through Stocks in 'Frankenstorm' Aftermath ...

? ?

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It might be unseemly to hope for tons of property destruction, but the fact is that whether they hope for it or not, it won?t change the outcome. And in those cases where there is a lot of property damage ? as it looks like will be the case with Hurricane Sandy ? it?s worth looking at trading opportunities, particularly in stocks that also make for good long-term investments.

Insurers are the first area to look at. A huge storm can put a dent in an insurer?s near-term earnings, but that should be viewed as a buying opportunity after the stock drops from weak holders. Insurance is a great business. If it weren?t, the free market would?ve killed it ages ago. Underwriting is now so nuanced and refined that insurers know more about risk than you ever could.

Berkshire Hathaway?(NYSE:BRK.B) is the obvious big play, and you get the diversification of Warren Buffett?s holding company to boot. As a conglomerate, trading at 16 times earnings is not a bad deal at all. Berkshire?s insurance underwriting business actually lost $830 million in the first half of last year, and it presently sits on a $675 million profit. It?s hard to say how exposed it?ll be here, but this is a long-term hold, so if you are considering it, you might as well buy in after Berkshire announces how hard it got hit.

Allstate?(NYSE:ALL) rests on the cheaper side of insurance companies, trading at 9 times earnings, and it also pays a 2.2% dividend. Allstate offset its own $1.17 billion first-half underwriting loss from last year with $657 million this year.

The other area where stocks might see a pop are home-improvement stores. In this sector, it?s tough to do better than?Home Depot?(NYSE:HD). After all these years, the company continues to grow impressively, with long-term growth rates at 15%, and trading at 20 times this year?s estimates. That?s not outrageously expensive when you consider that the company churned out $5.43 billion in free cash flow last year, and already has produced $3.7 billion in the first half of this year. It?s a solid buy for the portfolio, even with Hurricane Sandy bearing down.

You also can consider?Lowe?s Companies?(NYSE:LOW), which similarly is pegged at 15% long-term growth, although this year is expected to be flat. Free cash flow here also is impressive, tallying $2.5 billion in each of the past three years. LOW pays a 2% yield and carries $9 billion in debt (to Home Depot?s $10.7 billion), which is very manageable given the free cash flow. It also trades at 20 times estimates.

Finally, when a storm like this hits, I think booze. Somebody will be drowning their sorrows because they don?t have insurance and thus can?t afford to fix things up using a home improvement company. Here I like?Beam?(NYSE:BEAM), not just for its whiskey, but because it?s still growing at 12% long-term and has ample free cash flow.

As of this writing, Lawrence Meyers did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities.


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Report: Turkey again responds to Syrian shell

BESASLAN, Turkey (AP) ? Turkey's state-run news agency says the country's artillery has again responded to a stray shell fired from Syria that landed in Turkey.

The shell landed some 300 meters (yards) away from the Turkish border village of Besaslan on Monday. No one was injured but a power line was destroyed.

The Anadolu agency said Turkey responded to the fire but did not provide details.

Ankara has been firing in retaliation to stray shells and mortars ever since a shell fired from Syria slammed into a Turkish border town, killing five civilians on Oct. 3.

Syrian regime forces have been battling rebels near the town of Haram, in Syria's Idlib province, across the border from Besaslan, despite a cease-fire that was supposed to halt fighting over a four-day Muslim holiday this weekend.


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Mitt Romney in 2011: 'We Cannot Afford' Federal Disaster Relief (Atlantic Politics Channel)

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Monday, October 29, 2012

Crucial pre-election payroll report looks weak

(Reuters) - The last employment report before the U.S. presidential election is likely to have something for everyone - for those bullish and bearish on the economy and for Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.

Non-farm payrolls in October are forecast to have risen 124,000, barely more than September's 114,000 gain, according to 78 economists polled by Reuters. The unemployment rate probably edged back up to 7.9 percent after falling to 7.8 percent from 8.1 percent last month. The figures are due on Friday.

On the face of it, that would reinforce the charge leveled by Romney, a Republican, that the policies of his Democratic opponent are to blame for the slowest post-recession recovery since the war.

The proportion of America's working-age population that is employed has fallen to 58.7 percent from 60.6 percent when the Democrat took office in January 2009.

But Obama can counter that nearly 800,000 more Americans are in work today than when he became president and that five million jobs have been created since the December 2009 trough, according to the Bureau for Labor Statistics.

In many respects, the job statistics are likely to paint the same blurred picture as Friday's report showing the economy expanded at a 2.0 percent rate in the third quarter: things are improving, but at a frustratingly slow pace.

"For this reason the labor market is currently neither weak enough to do serious damage to Obama's re-election chances nor strong enough to give him a boost," said Bernd Weidensteiner, an economist with Commerzbank in Frankfurt.

Opinion polls show the November 6 election is too close to call.


Douglas Roberts, an economist with Standard Life Investments in Edinburgh, said a weaker-than-expected jobs report would not make him too concerned about the U.S. economy. Housing in particular was rebounding smartly, albeit from a low base.

But any softness would underline the urgency of eliminating policy uncertainty that is causing businessmen to sit on their hands, not least the prospect of tax increases and spending cuts that will kick in next year in the absence of a long-term agreement to cut America's budget deficit.

"Investment and recruitment are being held back until companies have a much better idea of the economic environment they're going to be looking at after the election and the ?fiscal cliff' negotiations are through," Roberts said. "So I don't think the payroll numbers will tell you an awful lot."

The other data highlight of the week is the monthly survey by the Institute for Supply Management, which is closely watched in Asia as a pointer to export and production trends.

Economists polled by Reuters expect the ISM index to be unchanged at 51.5.

David Lubin at Citigroup said there was a "decent relationship" between the ISM survey and the export orders component of China's official purchasing managers' index, which is expected to creep higher. Both reports are due on Thursday.

Signs of stabilization in recent Chinese data, including credit growth and rising imports, were a cause for qualified optimism about the prospects in some other Asian economies, Lubin said in a report.

"But there is no systematic evidence that the revival in Chinese import demand is generating positive spillovers in a large number of countries," he added.


That is definitely the case in Japan, whose firms have scaled back sales, output and investment in China after the recent flare-up of a territorial dispute over islets in the East China sea led to violent protests across China and a partial boycott of Japanese goods.

With the economy also on the ropes because of the strong yen, the Bank of Japan is widely expected to deliver more monetary stimulus when it meets on Tuesday to prevent the world's third-largest economy from relapsing into recession.

Recession already has a firm grip on swathes of the euro zone, hit by a debt and banking crisis that is being exacerbated by austerity measures to reduce yawning budget deficits.

Data on Wednesday will probably show that the unemployment rate for the 17 countries using the single currency rose to a record high of 11.5 percent in September from 11.4 percent in August.

In Spain, which on Friday reported a jobless rate of 25 percent, the economy is likely to have shrunk by 0.4 percent in the third quarter, just as it did in the second quarter. Madrid releases the report on Tuesday.

(Editing by Helen Massy-Beresford)


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