Sunday, October 7, 2012

Requiem for the loss of Innocence

What you eat is not what you think it is. What you buy doesn?t come from where you think it comes. Your government doesn?t serve those who you think it serves. Your illusory liberty is bought by slaves. And finally your truth and values are fabricated like the programs you watch on the TV. If all you?ve ever known is a lie, would you like to know the tainted truth?

Then I went beyond that thought to discover; why does it has to be this way? Why are ambition and individualism the King and Queen of our world? And I understood. It?s your fault. It?s not evil that keeps us this way. It?s your conformity and your mediocrity. I am fucked because you have sold your dignity and humanity for a TV, an Ipod, a computer, a series of commodities, and for a mask you have to put on every time you are not alone with yourself, although most of you are unable to reach that level of reflexion. But what is worse of all is that you are too damn pathetic to do anything about it. You don?t want to go the right way because it?s too hard. People laugh, drink, cry and live in this universal lie. When the truth knocks at their door they turn up the volume of the music. The few who listen shrug their shoulders and return to their work the next morning forgetting all that was said.

To be honest, I find it extremely difficult to live in this lie; to wake up each morning. I am not so talented like you in being a hypocrite or ignoring the truth. But it isn?t because I don?t have what it takes to get ahead in this world, to be ?successful?. It?s because I am a good person, and because I believe in goodness. I have only two choices, either to ?lose my mind? or to be a selfish bastard and exploit my potential. Should I just forget about ?goodness? and step on the heads of others, treading upon them like muddy soil and dismember anyone in my way?

The child in me is sick with a terminal disease. I cannot look at humanity with the same eyes. Tch! They are disgusting, repulsive, revolting. We don?t need a miracle. We need a catastrophe. And I hope that the poles melt, the cities sink, the water boils, the people burn, so that we can start all over from zero yet with a lesson to remember. Oh God believer, I am not talking about judgement day because if there is a celestial court, that righteous monarch should be the first to be judged; flawed architect. He is like a fat ass kid eating potato chips and watching TV, our world; too lazy and too fucking tired to get up. What a disgusting God. Writers should be Gods. They definitely have more imagination and can make better worlds.

Now that I have no hope for humanity, I guess I will treasure my own and build my citadel against this filthy society. I have my own values and I will not betray them, because I won?t betray myself. I?ll be different and when you laugh at me, I will laugh at you because you are all the same.

It is often said that writing is a lonely life, and for the most part such is true. Other jobs are just that, jobs, they start and they end at the same time each day, spinning onward in a cycle that is so monotonously cyclical. But writing, writing is a lifestyle, it is not merely a job but a passion, an occupation. Writing is not from 9 to 5, but from dawn to dawn, it spans that day and often spills over into the silent night, and it is a task that demands isolation, silence, and reflection.

- Kyrian


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