Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Harvestman (a new killer) Use him for your RPG

The Harvestman is a new killer that I'm creating, influenced by characters like the Jeepers Creepers creature, and Slenderman. I'm making it to use as a character for an RPG, of course. But anyone interested in the character can feel free to use it for their own RPG's. Its not easy coming up with an original killer character, but I think I have come up with some new interesting angles. Besides being inspired by Slenderman and others, one of the ides for him came from an image, not to get to deep but, it was one of the paintings depicting Dante's Inferno, which I believe where part of the original text. Actually just now I looked it up, it comes from the French printmaker Gustave Dor? (1832 ? 1883).

Here is a part of that painting/etching? The guy kneeling is Dante.


Well, in order to make a good supernatural killer you need an interesting background, the problem as always is coming up with something original, you be the judge.

The Myth:

Lucifer was the first angel created by God, but there came a time when Lucifer rebelled, no longer willing to be subservient to the will of God Lucifer set out to defy him, to become God himself. God loved Lucifer and hoped he would remain faithful to him, so in order to quell Lucifer's desire God created a companion for him, someone to essentially keep Lucifer out of trouble. Although his b becoming happened long before the creation of the universe God had taken various parts of those creatures and beings which God would ultimately create and deposit upon a newly created Earth. The being was created from the bones of a man of prophecy, the blood of a demon of wrath, the spiritual skin of God, the viscera of a Nephilim, and the soul of a human who would live under a curse.

Originally he was simply known as the Solar Sentinel, after he was created he and Lucifer became inseparable, he had calmed the 1st angels rebellious desires, but he was also charged to keep Lucifer in line, something which the 1st angel did not appreciate, someone more important to God then Lucifer had been himself. Ultimately Lucifer did rebel, and the other angels were forced to fight and eventually cast him out of heaven. The hostility which the other angels had to unleash upon Lucifer was something new in the divine realm and so God rid heaven of this hostility by having his Solar Sentinel absorb it, in order to keep it in check. This burden no doubt had an adverse effect on the 2nd Angel. The Harvestman is driven by hatred and rage toward the Earth and thereby its inhabitants, for it luring Lucifer away from service to God.

The Legend:

After the creation of the Earth and of mankind the Solar Sentinel descended upon the earth, there he would spend his life evolving along side mankind. Becoming the Harvestman, the creature was known for its unsavory and disgusting appetites. Among other things the creature was said to resemble an arachnid, possessing 6 arms, all of which were kept close to its body, to maintain its deception as being human. The creature has no facial features, it generates (mouth,eyes,nose) depending on what it needs to do at that time, to see, to eat (don't ask), to hear. The Harvestman leaves behind footprints which become hundreds of tiny spiders, though this was thought to simply be insects coming up from the ground.


Right before the Harvestman kills someone it tells that person something they've always wanted to know, a personal secret that it gives the answer to.

When in close proximity to the Harvestman all sound is muted.

Every few weeks the Harvestman needs to occupy a new flesh suit, the decomposing flesh of humans is taken from grave sites.


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/jK29yJpc0xE/viewtopic.php

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